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October 14, 2009

Joe Sheare called the meeting to order at 8:04 p.m. via conference call.

Participants: Joe Sheare, Louis Napoli, John Foulkes, Mike Bufano, Tom Bell, James McDonald, and Igor Conev (Mann Properties).

Board Members Absent: Bob Siskind.

1. Reading and Approval of the 9/16/2009 Draft CDS Board Meeting Minutes. A motion to approve the draft minutes was made by Tom Bell and seconded by John Foulkes. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Review of Financials: Igor Conev and Mike Bufano reviewed the financials listed below.

a. Checking $ 37,346
b. CD $ 0
c. Savings $ 0
d. Accounts Receivable
i. Condo Fees- $ 16,159
ii. Special Assessment $ 20,700
e. Loan Payable $ 40,000

Mike Bufano commented that we need to begin payment to both BeachBrothers (reference draft minutes from 09-16-09 Board Meeting) and the $40,000 bank loan.


a. Front Side Renovation Update.

i. Unit 640 – Appealing Board decision not to reimburse window. The owner of unit 640 joined the conference call, by the Board’s invitation, at 8:30pm and discussions ensued regarding the Board’s previous decision not to reimburse the owner for the windows.
As a result of the discussion, the Board’s decision of not reimbursing the unit owner was upheld.

ii. Insurance Payment for Discovery/Treatment of Termite Infestation of Building 770. Initially, the Board had requested Advanced Pest Management (APM) cover the entire cost of the effort. Igor Conev stated that in his discussion with APM, the company indicated that it believes that since the likelihood of termite infestation increases dramatically when moisture gets in behind the siding, which is what happened, APM’s initial position was not to cover any of the costs. However, because of the good business relationship (Mann Properties uses APM on properties other than Casa del Sol), APM offered to pay 50%. Since
Mann’s contract with APM is up for renewal, the Board decided to wait until contract renewal before making a decision on whether to accept APM’s offer.

b. Small Front-Side First Floor Window. Joe reported that as of the date of this Board meeting, 8 unit owners have requested the paint kits for the small front–side window frame, with 5 of those asking for additional paint for the large front door. Joe reported that he delivered kits to the requesting unit owners last Saturday (October 10, 2009) who were in their units at the time. The kits will be available in the spring for those owners who want them (and who complete and mail the request forms to Joe) but do not want to do the painting in the cold weather.

Joe also agreed to follow-up with Walt Smelter (C/W Builders) regarding the items Walt agreed to check and repair (vents, trim and caulk) resulting from the front-side renovation project (reference draft minutes from 08-19-09 Board Meeting).

(Subsequent to the meeting, Joe called Walt, who said that for the most part he has caulked the 700 and 770 buildings and fixed most of the odds and ends. Once the current rain (predicted for next 4 days) stops he'll start caulking the 600 block, fix the odds and ends there to include the several vents and covering of the ends of the exposed drywall underneath the carports. He should be finished within a few weeks.)


a. Critical Maintenance Projects - Update.

i. Piling Caps. On Saturday morning October 10, 2009, 10 unit owners volunteered for the work party and braved the not-so friendly weather to install 295 black plastic piling caps in 3 hours and 36 minutes. This was the first time the association had requested a volunteer work party to perform a maintenance or repair item since the last time the association stained the canal-side decks themselves. Much thanks go to the following individuals who volunteered their time, patience, and tools to accomplish the job: Tom Bell (Unit 712), Mike Bufano (Unit 652), CJ Brzezinski (Unit 658), John ‘JC’ Conley (Unit 634), John Foulkes (Unit 716), Charles Kinelski (Unit 648), Joe Klaczak (Unit 724), Bill Mai (Unit 700), Joe Sheare (Unit 710), and Jim Webb (Unit 664).

ii. Parking Lot Repair and Resealing. In response to the action for Igor Conev to obtain estimates, we received bids from 2 companies for work to patch the cracks in the 3 parking lots, seal over the asphalt, and repaint the parking space lines. We are awaiting bids from 2 more companies. Igor will get estimates within the next two weeks and distribute them to the Board members. Regardless of any decision made, the Board agreed not to proceed with any of the work until next spring at the earliest.

iii. Front Piling Supports. The Board agreed to postpone any discussion until the next board meeting.

iv. Permanent Solution to Carport Ceilings. 6 contractors visited Casa del Sol on Monday, October 12, 2009 to discuss our requirements. We are interested in covering the ceilings with a material that was attractive but would not deteriorate for at least 20 years, and at the same time not cause fire marshal inspections. The contractors were in agreement that either heavy gauge aluminum or artificial wood were the best materials. Each contractor will present projections based on each type of material. There is no rush for this, since work will not begin at the earliest until next spring. We should get the estimates from the contractors within the next 6 weeks.

b. Per the draft 09-16-09 CDS Board minutes, there was to have been a discussion on the parking of non-automobiles/commercial trucks on CDS property. This item was inadvertently omitted from the agenda and will be included for the November Board meeting.

c. Mike Bufano stated that the Board needs to see the draft association’s budget for next year, and to discuss the budget at the November meeting. Igor Conev agreed to email the budget to the Board members.


a. Unit 664. A complaint was filed on September 6, 2009 regarding inappropriate storage of jet ski trailers at unit 664. Per the draft minutes of the 09-16-09 CDS Board meeting, Igor Conev notified the unit owner of the $250 fine. Owner responded with a request that the Board reconsider and waive the fine. The Board agreed to uphold the fine.

It was noted that old carpet was piled up near the trash bins on the west side of Building 600. None of the Board members knew what unit owner was responsible, although some thought that Charles Kinelski might know. Joe agreed to call Charles to confirm.

6. ADJOURNMENT was at 8:52 pm.

– Wednesday, November 18, 2009, at 8:00pm by teleconference.